SEO for Travel Businesses

Learn our quirky techniques to increase hotel bookings, travel package inquiries and tourism revenue in 30 days.

Travel SEO in a Nutshell

The Intersection of Travel and Digital

If we want to stick to the theme of this page, we can picture Travel SEO as a compass in the ocean of online content; it guides potential travelers to their desired destinations – your services and products. This unique blend of SEO with travel marketing crafts an adventure that appeals to the wanderlust in us all and also addresses the practicalities of digital visibility.


Challenges and Opportunities in Travel SEO

What sets Travel SEO apart? While it shares its core with traditional SEO – like an anchor rooted in familiar waters – it sails through specific challenges and opportunities unique to the travel sector. It’s about embarking on a journey with visitors, understanding their dreams of idyllic vacations or adventurous escapades, and guiding them through a sea of options to your shores. In this digital voyage, every click, every search query, is a step in their journey and a chance for you to be their chosen guide.

Effective Keyword Research: Decoding the Traveler's Language

Discovering the Right Words

Think of keyword research as learning a new language, the language of your travelers. What are they typing into Google? “Coolest beach spots” or “peaceful mountain retreats”? It’s about tuning into their wavelength and making sure your website speaks their language.

Example of keyword analysis for keyword “cruise on the river nile”, with competition, global search volumes, and search intent:

Crafting the Perfect Keyword Mix

Finding the right keywords is like mixing the perfect cocktail. You want a blend of general and specific. “Luxury resorts in Greece” or “budget-friendly Paris hostels” – these aren’t just phrases; they’re your golden tickets to attracting the right crowd. And don’t forget to sprinkle in some local flavor like “hidden gems in Barcelona” to really spice things up.

Aligning Keywords with Their Journey

It’s not just about finding the right words; it’s about matching them to the traveler’s journey. From dreaming about a getaway to clicking the “book now” button, your keywords should be their travel buddies at every step.

Local SEO for Travel Pages: Mapping Out Your Presence

Building Your Local SEO Blueprint

Now, let’s zoom in closer with Local SEO. Imagine creating a mini-map for every place you offer services. These local landing pages are your signboards in the digital world, showing travelers exactly where to find what they’re looking for, in their chosen locale.

Why Local Matters

Local SEO is like having a bright neon sign that says, “Hey, we’re right here!” It’s about catching the eye of someone who’s actively searching for something in the area. When someone’s hunting for “best tapas in Madrid” or “scuba diving in Bali,” you want your site to pop up as the go-to option.

Personalizing the Local Experience

Each local page is your canvas to paint a picture of what you offer in that specific spot. It’s where you get to show off your insider knowledge and local expertise. It’s not just about getting found; it’s about making them feel like you’re the local friend they didn’t know they had.

How to Beat other Travel Competitors

To answer this question from an SEO perspective, it is usually best practice to examine the existing Search Result Pages, as well as publicly accessible metrics for a selected number of competing sites.

The image below provides an example of analysis that was performed for a client:

Search Competition in the Travel Space - Sources: ScreamingFrog, SEMrush,

General Guidelines from Travel Client Experience

Our testing and findings from the table above uncovered a few key principles:

A website’s performance is typically correlated with the number of words it contains.

High word counts per URL don’t always translate to higher traffic (suggesting that quality still matters more than quantity).

In general, higher traffic is correlated with more pages.

It is important to highlight that every market, sector, and even search query may have a different set of answers. Get in touch if you’d like a tailored analysis for your site.

Leveraging Structured Data for Better Visibility

The Secret Ingredient of SEO: Structured Data

Alright, let’s talk about something super cool in the SEO kitchen—Structured Data. Think of it like the secret spices that give your website’s dish that extra zing. When you add structured data to your site, you’re basically giving search engines a cheat sheet about what’s on your page. This isn’t just any old data; it’s like a gold star sticker that makes your content shine brighter in the search results.

Why Structured Data Rocks

Why bother with structured data? Well, it’s like having a VIP pass at a concert. It can get your site into those snazzy rich snippets in search results—those eye-catching boxes that give searchers a sneak peek of your content. This could be anything from a tasty FAQ section to star-studded reviews. The catch? You need to give Google and other search engines the right cues, and that’s where structured data comes into play.

Content Marketing for the Travel Industry

Crafting Stories That Resonate

Now, onto one of my favorite topics—Content Marketing. Imagine you’re sitting around a campfire, sharing stories. That’s what content marketing in the travel industry is like. It’s about crafting stories and experiences that resonate with your audience. Whether you’re talking about the serene beaches of Thailand or the bustling streets of New York, it’s all about creating content that teleports your readers right there.

The Many Flavors of Content

Content marketing isn’t just about writing blog posts (though those are super important). It’s a buffet of options: stunning infographics, captivating videos, helpful travel guides, and even those cool interactive maps. Think about what excites your audience. Is it breathtaking photos of destinations, or detailed guides on local cuisines? Whatever it is, serve it up in a way that gets them itching to pack their bags and embark on an adventure.

Link Building in the Travel Industry

Building Bridges to Your Site

Let’s move onto Link Building. Imagine each backlink to your site as a bridge. The more bridges you have, the easier it is for people (and search engines) to find you. But here’s the thing: in the travel industry, building these bridges isn’t a walk in the park. It’s competitive out there, and you need to be a bit of a standout to earn those precious links.

Crafting Link-Worthy Content

So, how do you get other sites to link to yours? It’s all about creating something that’s not just good, but downright irresistible. Think of it like making a blockbuster movie; you want everyone talking about it. This could be an epic travel guide, a beautiful photo series, or even some groundbreaking research on travel trends. Once you’ve got something link-worthy, it’s about reaching out, making connections, and getting your content featured where it matters.

Social Media Integration

Harnessing the Power of Social Platforms

Social Media is the party of the digital world, and you’re invited! Think of each platform as a different type of party where you can meet new people (a.k.a. potential customers). Your mission? To mingle, make connections, and share stories about your amazing travel services. The cool part? This socializing not only boosts your brand’s presence but also gives your SEO efforts a turbo boost.

Crafting Engaging Social Content

Creating content for social media is like being a DJ at these parties. You need to play the right tunes (content) to keep the party-goers (your audience) engaged. Stunning photos of exotic destinations, quick travel tips, engaging stories, and maybe even some behind-the-scenes peeks of your travel services. Each post is a chance to engage your audience and get them to visit your website. Remember, every like, share, and comment is a step towards boosting your SEO.

Ongoing Website Optimisation and Analytics

The Art of Website Tune-ups

Think of your website like a car. Just like how a car needs regular check-ups to run smoothly, your website needs regular audits. Why? Because the digital world is always changing, and you need to keep up. Regular website audits help you spot any SEO issues, like broken links or outdated content, and fix them before they turn into bigger problems.

Decoding Data for Success

Analytics are your secret detective tools. They help you understand who’s visiting your site, what they’re looking at, and how they’re interacting with your content. This intel is gold! It helps you refine your strategies, tweak your content, and make your website more user-friendly. By understanding what works and what doesn’t, you can make smarter decisions that drive more traffic and conversions.

Get a personalised SEO Video Audit for your Packaging Business:

  • We will create a free video audit of your website.
  • Review your competitors website live on video. 
  • Highlight some of your site’s issues and how to address them.
  • Immediate recommendations & quick wins you can implement yourself.
  • No in-advance commitment: you can keep the audit even if we don’t start working together.

Get in touch today and let’s bring your SEO efforts to the next level.